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at Birmingham
Office: FOT 858
Twitter: @mattmight
I'm the Director of the Hugh Kaul Precision Medicine Institute at UAB.
I'm also on the faculty in the Department of Biomedical Informatics at the pcvpn免费 (since July 2015).
Frequently needed info:
- For scheduling/time-sensitive matters, please CC assist@might.net.
- For inquiries regarding a disease, please CC Tamsyn Osborn.
- For letters of support, please send a draft to me and assist@might.net
- My CV, bio (for speaking or print) and NIH biosketch.
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I was a strategist in the Executive Office of the President at the White House for both the Obama and Trump administrations (March 2016 - January 2018).
I was on the faculty in Computer Science at the University of Utah (July 2008 - July 2017).
If you're trying to reach me by email: due to the volume of email I receive, email has become an ineffective means of communicating with me.
Please CC my executive assistant assist@might.net on all critical correspondence.
If you are looking for research assistance for a disease, please CC Program Coordinator Tamsyn Osborn on all correspondence.
I appreciate emails that are easy to reply to. (2-3 sentence emails preferred.)
For some common requests, I have a canned or automated solution:
- for getting my CV, my bio or my biosketch; or
- for speaking engagements and travel.
Please email me again (and again) if a critical items slips through. For non-critical email, replies can take weeks or months (or years). I apologize in advance. Tweeting at me seems to get a reply more frequently than email.
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In computer science, my primary research area is pcvpn免费 of higher-order programs, although I also do work in functional programming, relational programming, parsing and purely functional data structures.
My broader interests include language design, compiler implementation, security, program optimization, parallelism and program verification.
If you need to contact me securely, my PGP key is available.
[Read more on how to communicate securely.]
- CiteULike: [my pubs] [my library]
- ACM: [author profile]
Lisa Zhang, Gregory Rosenblatt, Ethan Fetaya, Renjie Liao, William E. Byrd, Matthew Might, Raquel Urtasun and Richard Zemel.
"Neural Guided Constraint Logic Programming for Program Synthesis."
Proceedings of the 32nd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems.
(NeurIPS 2018; formerly NIPS 2018).
Montreal, Canada.
December, 2018.
Paper: [arXiv] -
Michael D. Adams and Matthew Might.
"Restricting grammars with tree automata."
In Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages & Applications.
(OOPSLA 2017).
October 2017.
Paper: [pdf via ACM] -
William E. Byrd,
Michael Ballantyne,
Greg Rosenblatt and
Matthew Might.
"Functional Pearl: A Unified Approach to Solving Seven Programming Problems."
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP 2017).
Oxford, United Kingdom.
September 2017.
Paper: [pdf via ACM] -
Kimball Germane and Matthew Might.
"A Posteriori Environment Analysis with Pushdown Delta CFA."
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(POPL 2017).
Paris, France.
January 2017.
Paper: [pdf] - Dakota Fisher, Matthew Hammer, William E. Byrd, Matthew Might. "miniAdapton: A Minimal Implementation of Incremental Computation in Scheme." Proceedings of the 2016 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming (Scheme 2016). Nara, Japan. September 2016.
- Thomas Gilray, Michael Adams and Matthew Might. "Allocation Characterizes Polyvariance." Proceedings of the International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP 2016). Nara, Japan. September 2016.
- Jason Hemann, William Byrd, Daniel Friedman and Matthew Might. "A Small Embedding of Logic Programming with a Simple Complete Search." Proceedings of the Dynamic Languages Symposium. (DLS 2016). October 2016.
- James King, Thomas Gilray, Robert M. Kirby, and Matthew Might "Dynamic Sparse-Matrix Allocation on GPUs." Proceedings of the International Supercomputing Conference (ISC 2016). Istanbul, Turkey. June 2016. [Winner of PRACE ISC Best Paper Award.]
- Michael Adams, Celeste Hollenbeck and Matthew Might. "On the Complexity and Performance of Parsing with Derivatives." 我伞很专业|在家怎么用山大vpn上知网?_论文 - Sohu:2021-7-20 · HighWire Press号称是提供免费全文的、全球最大的学术文献出版商之一。 该网站收录的期刊内容囊括了生命科学、医学、物理学、社会科学等多个领域,具体收录电子期刊882种,文章总数已达282万篇,其中超过103万篇文章可免费获得全文,重点是这些数据仍在不断增加。 (PLDI 2016). Santa Barbara, California. June 2016.
Thomas Gilray, Steven Lyde, Michael D. Adams, Matthew Might and David Van Horn.
"Pushdown Control-Flow Analysis for Free."
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(POPL 2016).
St. Petersburgh, Florida.
January 2016.
Paper: [pdf] [arXiv] -
David Darais, Matthew Might and David Van Horn.
"Galois Transformers and Modular Abstract Interpreters: Reusable Metatheory for Program Analysis."
In Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages & Applications
(OOSLA 2015).
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
October 2015.
Paper: [pdf] [arXiv] -
Steven Lyde, William E. Byrd and Matthew Might.
"Control-Flow Analysis of Dynamic Languages via Pointer Analysis."
Proceedings of the 11th ACM Symposium on Dynamic Languages (DLS 2015).
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
October 2015.
Paper: [pdf] -
Steven Lyde and Matthew Might.
"State Exploration Choices in a Small-Step Abstract Interpreter."
Proceedings of the 2015 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming.
(SFP 2015).
Vancouver, Canada.
September 2015.
Paper: [pdf] -
Peter Aldous and Matthew Might.
"Static analysis of non-interference in expressive low-level languages."
Static Analysis Symposium (SAS 2015).
Saint-Malo, France.
September, 2015.
Paper: [pdf] -
Maria Jenkins, Leif Andersen, Thomas Gilray and Matthew Might.
"Concrete and Abstract Interpretation: Better Together."
Proceedings of the 2014 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming.
Washington, D.C.
19 November 2014.
Paper: [pdf] -
Steven Lyde, Thomas Gilray and Matthew Might.
"A Linear Encoding of Pushdown Control-Flow Analysis."
Proceedings of the 2014 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming.
Washington, D.C.
19 November 2014.
Paper: [pdf] -
Michael Ballantyne, Christopher Earl and Matthew Might.
"Meta-Meta-Programming: Generating C++ Template Metaprograms with Racket Macros."
Proceedings of the 2014 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming.
Washington, D.C.
19 November 2014.
Paper: [pdf] -
Shuying Liang, Weibin Sun and Matthew Might.
"Fast Flow Analysis with Gödel Hashes."
14th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM 2014).
Victoria, BC, Canada.
29 September 2014.
Paper: [pdf] -
Shuying Liang, Weibin Sun, Matthew Might, Andrew Keep and David Van Horn.
"Pruning, Pushdown Exception-Flow Analysis."
Tunngle 5.8.9 - 下载:2021-6-4 · Tunngle, 免费下载. Tunngle 5.8.9: Tunngle 是一个革命性的 p2p VPN 工具,提供最佳的在线娱乐体验。Tunngle 被为了让电脑游戏玩家通过互联网轻松播放他伞的局域网游戏。 (SCAM 2014).
Victoria, BC, Canada.
29 September 2014.
Paper: [pdf] - Thomas Gilray, James King, and Matthew Might. "Partitioning 0-CFA for the
GPU." Workshop on Functional and (constraint) Logic Programming. Wittenberg,
Germany. 15 September 2014.
Paper: [pdf] -
Steven Lyde and Matthew Might.
"Environment Unrolling."
Workshop on Higher-Order Program Analysis 2014 (HOPA 2014).
Vienna, Austria.
18 July 2014.
Paper: [pdf] -
Steven Lyde and Matthew Might.
"Strong Function Call."
Workshop on Higher-Order Program Analysis 2014 (HOPA 2014).
Vienna, Austria.
18 July 2014.
Paper: [pdf] -
Shuying Liang, Andrew W. Keep, Matthew Might, David Van Horn, Steven Lyde, Thomas Gilray and Petey Aldous.
"Sound and Precise Malware Analysis for Android via Pushdown Reachability and Entry-Point Saturation."
Proceedings of the 3rd Annual ACM CCS Workshop on Security and Privacy in Smartphones and Mobile Devices (SPSM 2013).
Long paper category.
Berlin, Germany.
November 2013.
Paper: [pdf] -
Shuying Liang and Matthew Might.
"Entangled Abstract Domains for Higher-order Programs."
Proceedings of the 2013 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming.
Washington, D.C.
13 November 2013.
Paper: [pdf] -
Leif Andersen and Matthew Might.
"Multi-core Parallelization of Abstracted Abstract Machines."
Proceedings of the 2013 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming.
Washington, D.C.
13 November 2013.
Paper: [pdf] -
Thomas Gilray and Matthew Might.
"A Unified Approach to Polyvariance in Abstract Interpretations."
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Washington, D.C.
13 November 2013.
Paper: [pdf] -
J. Ian Johnson, Nicholas Labich, Matthew Might, David Van Horn.
"Optimizing Abstract Abstract Machines."
Proceedings of the International Conference on Functional Programming 2013 (ICFP 2013).
Boston, Massachusetts.
September, 2013.
Paper: [pdf] [免费的pcvpn] -
Shuying Liang, Matthew Might, David Van Horn.
"AnaDroid: Malware Analysis of Android with User-Supplied Predicates."
Proceedings of Tools for Automatic Program Analysis 2013 (TAPAS 2013).
Seattle, Washington.
19 June 2013.
Paper: [pdf] -
Steven Lyde and Matthew Might.
"Control Flow Analysis with SAT Solvers."
Proceedings of Trends of Functional Programming 2013 (TFP 2013).
Provo, Utah.
May 2013.
Paper: [pdf] - Thomas Gilray and Matthew Might. "A Survey of Polyvariance in Control-Flow Analyses." Proceedings of Trends of Functional Programming 2013 (TFP 2013). Provo, Utah. May 2013.
Steven Lyde, Matthew Might.
"Extracting Hybrid Automata from Control Code."
Proceedings of the 5th Annual NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM 2013). Short paper category.
Moffet Field, CA.
May, 2013.
Paper: [pdf] -
Ilya Sergey, Dominique Devriese, Matthew Might, Jan
Midtgaard, David Darais, Dave Clark, Frank Piessens.
"Monadic Abstract Interpreters."
Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2013).
Seattle, Washington.
June, 2013.
Paper: [pdf] -
Christopher Earl, Ilya Sergey, Matthew Might, David Van Horn.
"Introspective Pushdown Analysis of Higher-Order Programs."
International Conference on Functional Programming 2012 (ICFP 2012).
Copenhagen, Denmark.
September, 2012.
pages 177--188.
Paper: [pdf]
Slides: [pdf]
Video: [youtube] -
Jan Midtgaard,
Michael D. Adams,
Matthew Might.
"A Structural Soundness Proof for Shivers's Escape Technique: A Case for Galois Connections."
Static Analysis Symposium 2012
(SAS 2012).
Deauville, France.
September, 2012.
pages 352--369.
Paper: [pdf] -
Shuying Liang,
Matthew Might.
"Hash-Flow Taint Analysis of Higher-Order Programs."
(PLAS 2012).
Beijing, China.
June, 2012.
pages 8:1--8:12.
Paper: [pdf] -
Michael D. Adams, Andrew W. Keep, Jan Midtgaard,
Matthew Might, Arun Chauhan and R. Kent Dybvig.
"Flow-Sensitive Type Recovery in Linear-Log Time."
Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications
(OOPSLA 2011).
Portland, Oregon.
October, 2011.
pages 483--498.
Paper: [pdf] -
Matthew Might, David Darais and Daniel Spiewak.
"Functional Pearl: Parsing with Derivatives."
International Conference on Functional Programming 2011 (ICFP 2011).
Tokyo, Japan.
September, 2011.
pages 189--195.
Paper: [pdf]
Slides: [pdf]
Video: [mp4] -
Matthew Might and David Van Horn.
"A family of abstract interpretations for static analysis of concurrent higher-order programs."
Static Analysis Symposium 2011 (SAS 2011).
Venice, Italy.
September, 2011.
Paper: [pdf] [arXiv]
Slides: [pdf] -
Tarun Prabhu, Shreyas Ramalingam, Matthew Might and Mary Hall.
"EigenCFA: Accelerating flow analysis with GPUs."
38th Annual ACM Symposium on the Principles of Programming Languages.
(POPL 2011).
Austin, Texas, USA.
January, 2011.
pages 511--522.
Paper: [pdf]
Christopher Earl, Matthew Might and David Van Horn.
"Pushdown control-flow analysis of higher-order programs: Precise, polyvariant and polynomial-time."
2010 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming.
(Scheme 2010).
Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
August, 2010.
Paper: [pdf] [bib]
David Van Horn and Matthew Might.
"Abstracting Abstract Machines."
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Baltimore, Maryland.
September, 2010.
pages 51--62.
Paper: [pdf] [errata] -
Matthew Might.
"Abstract interpreters for free."
Static Analysis Symposium 2010 (SAS 2010).
Perpignan, France.
September, 2010.
pages 407--421.
Paper: [pdf]
Slides: [pdf]
Matthew Might, Yannis Smaragdakis and David Van Horn.
"Resolving and exploiting the k-CFA paradox: Illuminating functional vs. object-oriented program analysis."
Programming Language Design and Implementation 2010 (PLDI 2010).
Toronto, Canada.
June, 2010.
pages 305--315.
Paper: [pdf] [bib]
Slides: [pdf]
Matthew Might.
"Shape analysis in the absence of pointers and structure."
11th International Conference on Verification, Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation
(VMCAI 2010).
Madrid, Spain.
January, 2010.
pages 263--278.
Paper: [pdf] [bib]
Slides: [pdf] [www/html] [www/flash] [keynote]
Matthew Might and Tarun Prabhu.
"Interprocedural dependence analysis of higher-order programs via stack reachability."
2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming.
(Scheme 2009).
Boston, Massachusetts.
August, 2009.
Paper: [pdf] [bib]
Slides: [pdf] [www/html] [keynote]
Matthew Might and Panagiotis Manolios.
"A posteriori soundness for non-deterministic abstract interpretations."
谷歌访问助手下载 - Chrome插件(谷歌浏览器插件):2 天前 · 67版伡前的谷歌浏览器,可伡通过离线安装谷歌访问助手crx的方法来安装这个插件,但到目前的最新版73版,已经不能够通过这种离线安装方法来安装谷歌访问助手了,而且是任何插件都不能这样安装了,这是谷歌浏览器的一种策略。
(VMCAI 2009).
Savannah, Georgia, USA.
January, 2009.
pages 260--274.
Paper: [pdf] [bib]
Slides: [pdf] [www/html] [keynote]
Matthew Might.
"Logic-flow analysis of higher-order programs."
34th Annual ACM Symposium on the Principles of Programming Languages
(POPL 2007).
Long paper category.
Nice, France.
January, 2007.
pages 185--198.
Paper: [pdf] [bib]
Slides: [pdf]
Matthew Might, Benjamin Chambers and Olin Shivers.
"Model Checking via ΓCFA."
8th International Conference on Verification, Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation
(VMCAI 2007).
Nice, France.
January, 2007.
pages 59--73.
Paper: [pdf] [bib]
Matthew Might and Olin Shivers.
"Improving flow analyses via ΓCFA: Abstract garbage collection and counting."
11th ACM International Conference on Functional Programming
(ICFP 2006).
Portland, Oregon.
September, 2006.
pages 13--25.
Paper: [pdf] [bib]
Slides: [pdf]
Olin Shivers and Matthew Might.
"Continuations and transducer composition."
27th Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation
(PLDI 2006).
Ottawa, Canada.
pages 295--307.
June, 2006.
Paper: [pdf] [bib]
Slides: [pdf]
Matthew Might and Olin Shivers.
"Environment analysis via ΔCFA."
33rd Annual ACM Symposium on the Principles of Programming Languages
(POPL 2006).
Charleston, South Carolina.
January, 2006.
pages 127--140.
Paper: [pdf] [bib]
Slides: [pdf]
- Dixie Baker, Matthew Might, Pearl O'Rourke, Laura Lyman Rodriguez, Tania Simoncelli, John Wilbanks. "Participant Engagement, Data Privacy, and Novel Ways of Returning
Information to Participants." NIH Precision Medicine Working Group, NIH Large Cohort Precision Medicine Workshop. 11 Feb 2015. Bethesda, Maryland.
Nicole A. Vasilevsky,
Erin D. Foster,
Mark E. Engelstad,
Leigh Carmody,
Matt Might,
Chip Chambers,
Hugh J. S. Dawkins,
Janine Lewis,
Maria G. Della Rocca,
Michelle Snyder,
Cornelius F. Boerkoel,
Ana Rath,
Sharon F. Terry,
Alastair Kent,
Beverly Searle,
Gareth Baynam,
Erik Jones,
Pam Gavin,
Michael Bamshad,
Jessica Chong,
Tudor Groza,
David Adams,
Adam C. Resnick,
Allison P. Heath,
Chris Mungall,
Ingrid A. Holm,
Kayli Rageth,
Catherine A. Brownstein,
Kent Shefchek,
Julie A. McMurry,
Peter N. Robinson,
Sebastian Köhler,
Melissa A. Haendel.
"Plain-language medical vocabulary for precision diagnosis."
Nature Genetics.
Volume 50.
pages 474--476.
9 April 2018.
Paper: [www] [pdf] -
Talia A. Atkin,
Chani M. Maher,
Aaron C. Gerlach,
Bryant C. Gay,
Brett M. Antonio,
Sonia C. Santos,
Karen M. Padilla,
JulieAnn Rader,
Douglas S. Krafte,
Matthew A. Fox,
Gregory R. Stewart,
Slavé Petrovski,
Orrin Devinsky,
Matthew Might,
Steven Petrou,
David B. Goldstein.
"A comprehensive approach to identifying repurposed drugs to treat SCN8A epilepsy."
Volume 59.
Issue 4.
pages 802--813.
25 March 2018.
Paper: [www] [pdf] -
Katie G Owings, Joshua B Lowry, Yiling Bi, Matthew Might, Clement Y Chow.
"Transcriptome and functional analysis in a Drosophila model of NGLY1 deficiency provides insight into therapeutic approaches."
Volume 27.
Issue 6.
pages 1055--1066.
15 March 2018.
Paper: [online] -
Yiling Bi, Matthew Might, Hariprasad Vankayalapati and
Kuberan Balagurunathan.
"Repurposing of Proton Pump Inhibitors as
First Identified Small Molecule Inhibitors of
Endo-β-N-acetylglucosaminidase (ENGase)
for the Treatment of Rare NGLY1 Genetic Disease."
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters.
5 May 2017.
Paper: [pdf] -
Rachel Ramoni, et al.
"The Undiagnosed Diseases Network: Accelerating Discovery about Health and Disease."
American Journal of Human Genetics.
Volume 100.
Issue 2.
pages 185--192.
2 February 2017.
Paper: [pubmed] - Christopher Earl, Matthew Might, Abhishek Bagusetty and James C. Sutherland. "Nebo: An efficient, parallel, and portable domain-specific language for numerically solving partial differential equations." Journal of Systems and Software. pages 1--12. January 2016.
Katherine F. Lambertson,
Stephen A. Damiani,
Matthew Might,
Robert Shelton
and Sharon F. Terry.
"Participant-Driven Matchmaking in the Genomic Era."
Journal of Human Mutation.
Volume 36.
Issue 10.
pages 965--973.
October 2015.
Paper: [publisher] -
Kimball Germane and Matthew Might (2014).
"Deletion: The curse of the red-black tree."
Journal of Functional Programming, 24(4),
pp 423-433.
July 2014.
Paper: [pdf] [bib]
J. Ian Johnson, Ilya Sergey, Christopher Earl, Matthew Might and David Van
Horn (2014). Pushdown flow analysis with abstract garbage collection.
Journal of Functional Programming, 24, pp 218-283.
Paper: [pdf] [publisher pdf] -
Matthew Might and Matt Wilsey.
"The shifting model in clinical diagnostics: how next-generation sequencing and families are altering the way rare diseases are discovered, studied, and treated."
20 March 2014.
Paper: [pdf] -
David Van Horn and Matthew Might.
"Systematic abstraction of abstract machines."
Journal of Functional Programming.
Paper: [pdf] [arXiv]
David Van Horn and Matthew Might.
"Abstracting Abstract Machines: A Systematic Approach to Higher-Order Program Analysis."
Communications of the ACM. (Research Highlights)
September, 2011.
Paper: [pdf] [arXiv]
Technical perspective: [pdf] -
Matthew Might and Olin Shivers.
"Exploiting reachability and cardinality in higher-order flow analysis."
Journal of Functional Programming.
Volume 18,
Issues 5-6.
pages 821-864.
Paper: [pdf] [bib]
Matthew Might and Olin Shivers.
"Analyzing environment structure of higher-order languages using frame strings."
Journal of Theoretical Computer Science.
Volume 375, Issues 1-3.
Festschrift for John C. Reynolds's 70th birthday.
pages 137--168.
Paper: [pdf] [bib]
Matthew Might.
"Environment Analysis of Higher-Order Languages."
Georgia Institute of Technology. 2007.
Paper: [pdf] [bib]
Slides: [pdf]
These are invited talks, lectures or panel discussions; pcvpn免费 conference talks are in the papers section.
- "Right treatment to the right patient." Israeli Society for Quality in Healthcare. Tel Aviv, Israel. November 22, 2017.
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"Winning the War on Error: Solving the Halting Problem and Curing Cancer."
London, UK.
November 9, 2017.
Video: [免费pcvpn] -
"Novel and disruptive opportunities in genomic medicine."
NIH NHGRI eMerge PI Workshop.
Bethesda, Maryland.
October 30, 2017.
Video: [youtube] - "The algorithm for precision medicine." UAB-HudsonAlpha Genetics Retreat. Huntsville, Alabama. October 27, 2017.
"The algorithm for precision medicine."
Scheme Workshop. Keynote.
Oxford, UK.
September 3, 2017.
Video: [youtube] - "Winning the War on Error: Solving the Halting Problem and Curing Cancer." Static Analysis and Systems Biology. Keynote. New York, New York. August 29, 2017.
- "The algorithm for precision medicine." Machine Learning in Healthcare. Keynote. Boston, Massachussetts. August 19, 2017.
- "NGLY1.org: Science update." Grace Science Foundation Community Conference. San Francisco, California. July 28, 2017.
- "NGLY1: Data as drug." NIH NCATS Workshop on Rare Disease Registries. Bethesda, Maryland. June 28, 2017.
"Winning the War on Error: Solving the Halting Problem and Curing Cancer."
Curry On!
Barcelona, Spain.
June 19, 2017.
Video: [pcvpn免费] - "The algorithm for precision medicine." United Therapeutics. Silver Spring, Maryland. June 7, 2017.
- "The algorithm for precision medicine." United Therapeutics. Durham, North Carolina. June 6, 2017.
- "The algorithm for precision medicine." NIH NCATS National Advisory Council. Bethesda, Maryland. May 4, 2017.
- "The algorithm for precision medicine." Rare disease day. University of Alabama at Birmingham. Birmingham, Alabama. March 3, 2017.
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- "The algorithm for precision medicine." DARPA Leadership Seminar. Arlington, VA. January 27, 2017.
- "The algorithm for precision medicine." University of Alabama at Birmingham. Birmingham, Alabama. January 10, 2016.
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- "Why precision therapeutics matters." White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Retreat. NASA Goddard Space Center. December 12, 2016.
- "The Promise of Precision Medicine." Understand Your Genome. Illumina. San Diego, California. December 5, 2016.
- "The algorithm for precision medicine." Columbia University Medical School. New York, New York. November 30, 2016.
"Winning the War on Error: Solving the Halting Problem and Curing Cancer."
University of Maryland, College Park,
Department of Computer Science.
College Park, Maryland.
October 21, 2016.
Video: [youtube] - "Data-driven drug development." NORD Summit. Arlington, VA. October 17, 2016.
- "Algorithmic medicine and why translation matters." NCATS Translator Kick-off. Keynote. Bethesda, Maryland. October 12, 2016.
- "The algorithm for precision medicine." KCNQ2 Community Conference. Silver Spring, Maryland. October 8, 2016.
- "Winning the War on Error: Solving the Halting Problem and Curing Cancer." Harvard University, Department of Computer Science. Cambridge, Massachussetts. September 28, 2016.
- "Gene to Community; Community to Action: The Power of Social Media in Genomic." National Society for Genetic Counselors. Keynote. Seattle, Washington. September 27, 2016.
- "Precision medicine." Global Genes. Keynote. Huntington Beach, California. September 26, 2016.
- "Pioneering Precision Medicine: The Million Veterans Program." Stanford Medicine X. Stanford University. September 18, 2016.
- "Why security is hard, and what everyone needs to know." The White House. Washington, D.C. September 8, 2016.
- "Professional communication." Programming languages mentoring workshop (PLMW). Santa Barbara, California. June 14, 2016.
- "What happens when patients take over?" Precision Medicine 2016: Rogue Therapeutics. Harvard Medical School. Boston, Massachusetts. June 22, 2016.
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- "Patient-driven precision medicine when n=1." Broad Institute. Cambridge, Massachusetts. May 5, 2016.
- "An Algorithm for Precision Medicine: What do you do when you're the first and only?" ARCS Foundation. Salt Lake City, Utah. April 5, 2016.
- "Cybersecurity fundamentals." VA Hospital Seminar. Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts. April 21, 2016.
- "The Promise of Precision Medicine." Understand Your Genome. Illumina. San Diego, California. March 2, 2016.
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"Treatment strategies for congenital disorders of glycosylation."
CDG Conference.
San Diego, California.
February 28, 2016.
Video: [youtube] - "Natural allies: Precision medicine and rare disease." Sanford-Burnham-Prebys Rare Disease Day Summit. San Diego, California. February 27, 2016.
"Hunting down my son's killer and the future of precision medicine."
Opened for the President of the United States.
The White House: Precision Medicine Summit.
Washington, D.C.
February 25, 2016.
Video: [youtube] - "An algorithm for precision medicine." Applied genomics. University of Utah, College of Pharmacy. Salt Lake City, Utah. February 22, 2016.
- "An algorithm for precision medicine." Harvard Medical School. Executive Leadership Education Program. Boston, Massachusetts. February 3, 2016.
- "Applying precision medicine when n=1." Tufts Medical School. Grand Rounds. Boston, Massachusetts. January 27, 2016.
- "Grad School: A Survival Guide." Programming languages mentoring workshop (PLMW). St. Petersburg, FL. January 19, 2016.
- "Patient-driven precision medicine." University of Utah School of Medicine. Precision medicine symposium. Salt Lake City, Utah. December 3, 2015.
- "Beyond the Diagnosis." Art exhibit opening. Harvard Medical School. Boston, Massachusetts. November 12, 2015.
- "The War on Undecidability." Harvard University, Department of Computer Science. November 11, 2015.
- "Pediatric Precision Medicine." Panel participant. Boston Children's Hospital Innovation Summit. November 10, 2015.
- "Precision Medicine: Unifying Rare and Common." Congressional Rare Disease Caucus. House of Representatives, Capitol Hill. November 5, 2015.
- "Public Policy: Expanded Access." EveryLife Community Congress. Washington, D.C. November 4, 2015.
- "A Precision Medicine Algorithm." Microsoft Research New England. Cambridge, Massachusetts. September 30, 2015.
"Patient-centered outcomes."
NIH Workshop on Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research.
Bethesda, Maryland.
September 28, 2015.
Video: [youtube] - "Saving black swans: What do you do when you're the first?" Stanford Medicine X. Stanford University. September 26, 2015.
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- "The Promise of Precision Medicine and a Plan." Mayo Clinic Leadership Retreat on Genomic Medicine. Rochester, Minnesota. September 20, 2015.
- "Treating the rarest of diseases." Cambridge Rare Disease Conference. Cambridge University, UK. September 15, 2015.
- "NGLY1-CDG: Actions." World Conference on Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation. Lyon, France. August 29, 2015.
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"Champions of Change: Precision Medicine."
Panel moderator.
The White House.
Washington, D.C.
July 8, 2015.
Video: [youtube] - "A Precision Medicine Algorithm." The White House. Washington, D.C. July 2, 2015.
"The Algorithm: What do you do when n=1?"
Harvard Medical School.
Boston, Massachusetts.
June 24, 2015.
Video: [youtube] - "One of a kind: What do you do when you're the first?" GeneDX Symposium. Gaithersburg, Maryland. June 10, 2015.
- "Domain-specific languages: Embedded versus standalone." NSF Workshop on Exploiting Parallelism and Scalability. Washington, D.C. June 2, 2015.
- "Patient-driven discovery." ClinGen/DECIPHER. Washington, D.C. May 28, 2015.
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"One of a kind: What do you do when you're the first?"
Gold Lab Symposium.
Boulder, Colorado.
May 16, 2015.
Video: [youtube] - "When the Rx is science." World Orphan Drug Congress - Rare Disease Advocacy. Washington, D.C. April 22, 2015.
- "P2G2P: Patient to Gene to Patient." NIH-Undiagnosed Disease Network PI Meeting. Washington, D.C. April 13, 2015.
- "Gene to community; community to action." Ultragenyx Pharmaceuticals. Novato, California. April 11, 2015.
- "One of a kind: What do you do when you're the first?" University of Utah Medical School Session on Neurometabolic Disorders. Salt Lake City, Utah. March 18, 2015.
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"Community: What do you do when you're the first?"
Utah Rare Disease Symposium.
University of Utah.
February 28, 2015.
Slides: [pdf] -
"Community: What do you do when you're the first?"
NIH Rare Disease Symposium.
February 27, 2015.
Slides: [pdf]
Video: [at 2:02 mark] -
"Wikipedia for undiagnosed disease discovery: n++ made easy."
NIH-Undiagnosed Disease Network PI Meeting.
Stanford University.
January 26, 2015.
Slides: [pdf] - "An End to Silly Vulnerabilities." NSF SaTC PI meeting. Washington, D.C. January 6, 2015.
Hacker School.
New York, New York.
December 1, 2014.
Slides: [pdf] -
"NGLY1: Bench to Bedside."
Society for Glycobiology Annual Meeting.
Waikiki, Hawaii.
November 18, 2014.
Video: [youtube]
Slides: [pdf] -
"Ultra-rare drug development."
EveryLife Foundation Community Congress.
Washington, D.C.
November 12, 2014.
Slides: [pdf] -
"Analyzing Android."
Java PathFinder Workshop Keynote.
Salt Lake City, Utah.
November 7, 2014.
Slides: [pdf] -
"Patient Engagement; Patient Experience."
NIH-Undiagnosed Disease Network PI Meeting.
Washington, D.C.
November 6, 2014.
Slides: [pdf] -
"One of a kind: Making the impossible possible."
Sanford Burnham Gala.
San Diego, California.
November 1, 2014.
Slides: [pdf] - "Research and Education: The Utah Advantage." University of Utah National Advisory Council Meeting. Salt Lake City, Utah. October 24, 2014.
"Partners in Research: Parents Accelerating Rare Disease Discoveries."
Sanford Burnham Board of Trustees Meeting.
San Diego, California.
September 18, 2014.
Slides: [pdf] -
"Deletion from Okasaki's Red-Black Trees: A Functional Pearl."
IFIP WG 2.8 Meeting on Functional Programming.
Estes Park, Colorado.
August 11, 2014.
Slides: [pdf] -
"Advanced Template Meta-programming for Portable Performance."
Department of Energy PSAAP Deep Dive.
University of Utah.
Salt Lake City, Utah.
July 29, 2014.
Slides: [pdf] -
"What is static analysis?"
Lambda Lounge Utah.
Salt Lake City, Utah.
July 8, 2014.
Video: [video]
Slides: [pdf] -
"Accelerating rare disease."
Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute.
San Diego, California.
February 28, 2014.
Slides: [pdf] - 免费遨游vpn:vpn新规对于企业和个人没有影响 _ 杭州 ...-杭州网:2021-10-10 · 免费遨游vpn:vpn 新规对于企业和个人没有影响 2021-10-10 07:17 杭州网 近日,有外媒报道称,中国有关部门对国内三大运营商发布通知称,要求禁止针对个人VPN业务。VPN即虚拟专用网络,其主要功能是在公用网络上建立专用网络,进行加密通讯。在 ...
- "Cybersecurity." Korean Diplomatic Delegation. Salt Lake City, Utah. December 13, 2013.
- "Cybersecurity." University of Utah Engineering Day. Salt Lake City, Utah. November 9, 2013.
"Why there's no such thing as cybersecurity."
Provo, Utah.
October 24, 2013.
Video: [youtube] -
"Gödel Hashing."
IFIP WG 2.8 Meeting on Functional Programming.
Aussois, France.
October 15, 2013.
Slides: [pdf] - "Why there's no such thing as cybersecurity." National Classification Management Society. Park City, Utah. September 20, 2013.
- "云服务器精选秒杀 - 腾讯云 - Tencent Cloud:所有机型免费分配公网IP和50G 高性能云硬盘(系统盘) 机型对比 SA1 S2 S3 M2 M3 关键参数 2.0GHz AMD EPYC™ 7551 处理器 Turbo频率 2.55GHz,八通道 DDR4 内存 内存速率达 2666 MT/s 2.4 GHz 基准主频的Intel Xeon E5-2680 Broadwell(v4)处理器 ...." The Leonardo. Salt Lake City, Utah. July 19, 2013.
"Control-flow Analysis for Scheme"
Dagstuhl Seminar on Pointer Analysis. 13162.
Dagstuhl Castle, Germany.
April 17, 2013.
Slides: [pdf] -
"Why there's no such thing as cybersecurity."
Utah Governor's Economic Summit.
Salt Lake City, Utah.
April 11, 2013.
Slides: [pdf] -
"Reasoning About Software."
UC Riverside Colloquium Series.
Riverside, California.
Feb 8, 2013.
Slides: [pdf] -
"What is a Ph.D.? What is research? And, tips for success."
Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop 2013 (co-located with POPL 2013).
Rome, Italy.
Jan 22, 2013.
Slides: [pdf] -
"Software Analysis for Security."
DHS Infosec Technology Transition Council Meeting.
SRI International.
Menlo Park, California.
June 7, 2012.
Slides: [pdf] - "Cybersecurity: What business needs to know." Utah Cybersecurity Summit. Salt Lake City, Utah. June 1, 2012.
"Failing Upward: How to Succeed in Modern Science."
Engineering Research Symposium.
Pennsylvania State University.
April 5, 2012.
Slides: [pdf] -
"Deriving Abstract Interpreters."
Aarhus, Denmark.
December 5, 2011.
Slides: [pdf] -
"Parsing with Derivatives."
BRICS Graduate School.
Aarhus, Denmark.
December 5, 2011.
Slides: [pdf] -
"Parsing with Derivatives."
University of Maryland.
College Park, Maryland.
October 2, 2011.
Slides: [pdf] -
"Abstract interpretation of concurrent, higher-order programs."
NII Shonan Meeting on Higher-Order Program Analysis.
Shonan Village, Japan.
September 26, 2011.
Slides: [pdf] -
"Tutorial: Small-step CFA."
NII Shonan Meeting on Higher-Order Program Analysis.
Shonan Village, Japan.
September 23, 2011.
Slides: [pdf] -
"Developing reasonable programs."
University of Iowa.
February 18, 2011.
Slides: [pdf] -
"Parsing with Derivatives (Yacc is Dead)."
Stanford University.
Stanford, California.
February 9, 2011.
Video: [asx] [youtube]
Slides: [pdf] -
"An Illustrated Guide to Hacking."
The Leonardo.
Salt Lake City, Utah.
December 7, 2010.
Slides: [pdf] - "Static analysis in small steps." Purdue University. Lafayette, Indiana. October 5, 2010.
"Static analysis of modern software systems: Taming control-flow."
Brigham Young University.
Provo, Utah.
September 10 2009.
Slides: [pdf] [www/html] -
"Control-flow analysis of higher-order programs."
NSF/ACM-sponsored Ph.D. Summer School on
Theory and Practice of Language Implementation.
Eugene, Oregon.
July 23 2009.
Slides: [pdf] [www/html] [flash] -
"Control-flow analysis of order k (k-CFA)."
NSF/ACM-sponsored Ph.D. Summer School on
Theory and Practice of Language Implementation.
Eugene, Oregon.
July 24 2009.
Slides: [pdf] [www/html] [flash] -
"Efficient control-flow analysis and beyond."
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Eugene, Oregon.
July 27 2009.
Slides: [pdf] [www/html] [flash] - "Push-down control-flow analysis of higher-order programs." International Conference on Functional Programming Program Committee Workshop. Portland, Oregon. 30 April 2009.
"The Many-core Fad."
Position statement.
Cross-cutting systems panel.
University of Utah.
30 April 2009.
Slides: [pdf] [www/html] [www/flash] [keynote] -
"A Brief History of the Freedom of Expressions."
Explorations in Computer Science.
University of Utah.
Fall 2008.
Slides: [pdf] [www/html] [keynote] -
"Static Analysis of Higher-Order Programs."
Given at Max-Planck Institute, Northwestern University, Brandeis University, University of Utah.
Spring 2008.
Slides: [pdf] [www/html] [keynote]
- ICFP 2016 ERC.
- Hacker School. Resident. December 2014. New York City.
- SAS 2015. PC Member.
- POPL 2015. ERC Member.
- CUFP 2014. PC Member.
- ICFP 2014. PC Member.
- 免费的pcvpn PC Member.
- OBT 2014. PC Member.
- ASPLOS 2014. Travel Grants Chair.
- VMCAI 2014. PC Member.
- Scala 2013. PC Member.
- HOPA 2013. PC Member.
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- 免费pcvpn. PC Member.
- CC 2013. PC Member.
- SAS 2012. PC Member.
- PPDP 2012. PC Member.
- ICFP 2012. Industrial Relations Member. Copenhagen, Denmark.
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- PLDI 2012. ERC Member. Beijing, China.
- PLDI 2012. Publicity Chair. Beijing, China.
- POPL 2012. PC Member. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- ESOP 2012. PC Member. Tallin, Estonia.
- POPL 2012. Workshop Chair. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Scheme workshop 2011. Chair. Portland, Oregon.
- NSAD 2011. Steering Committee Member.
- Spring 2015: Compilers.
- Spring 2014: Scripting Languages.
- Fall 2013: Advanced Compilers.
- Spring 2013: Compilers.
- Spring 2012: Scripting Languages.
- Spring 2011: Compilers.
- Fall 2009: Advanced topics in compilation.
- Spring 2009: Programming language analysis.
- Spring 2009: Static analysis seminar.
blog.might.net is really just a collection of short articles.
Here are the 7 most recent:
- U of U researchers enlisted to study ways to fight cyber attacks. 27 April 2015. Reported by Kiersten Nuñez. KUTV. Salt Lake City, Utah. 5:00 PM and 9:00 PM.
- Marketers bet big on location-based advertising. 24 February 2015. Reported by Torin Koos and Debbie Dujanovic. KSL. Salt Lake City, Utah. 10:00 PM.
- Utah startup offers new hope for treating orphan diseases. 9 February 2015. Reported by Ed Yeates. KSL. Salt Lake City, Utah. 6:00 PM. 10:00 PM.
- Vague Facebook content standards frustrates users. 4 Feb 2015. Reported by Debbie Dujanovic. KSL. Salt Lake City, Utah. 10:00 PM.
- Mother shocked to find her face on revenge porn site. 12 March 2014. Reported by Debbie Dujanovic. KSL. Salt Lake City, Utah. 10:00 PM.
- How safe is your mobile banking app? 5 March 2014. Reported by Dick Gephardt. KSL. Salt Lake City, Utah. 6:45 AM.
- Proposed law would give teens clean slate on social media. 14 November 2013. Reported by Annie Cutler. KSTU. Salt Lake City, Utah. 10:00 PM.
- New technology to track shopping habits from grocery store shelves. 22 October 2013. Reported by Caroline Connolly. KSTU. Salt Lake City, Utah. 9:45 PM.
- U of U professor discusses looming danger of car hacking. 31 July 2013. Reported by Nineveh Dinha. KSTU. Salt Lake City, Utah. 9:00 PM.
- Christmas hope for 5-year-old with rare mutation. 24 December 2012. Reported by Ed Yeates. KSL. Salt Lake City, Utah. 10:00 PM.
- 'Revolution:' What would it take to bring down Utah's lights? 26 November 2012. Reported by Andrew Wittenberg. KSL. Salt Lake City, Utah. 10:00 PM.
- Herbert calls for audit following data breach that could cost millions. 11 April 2012. Reported by John Daley. KSL. Salt Lake City, Utah. 5:00 PM, 6:30 PM.
- Anonymous attacks Salt Lake City Police Department. 2 Feb 2012. Reported by Chris Jones. KUTV. Salt Lake City, Utah. 10:00 PM.
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- Couple Sues Rental Company Over Alleged Spying 4 May 2011. Reported by Fields Moseley. KUTV. Salt Lake City, Utah. 10:00 PM.
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- Twitter plans major move to Salt Lake City. 21 July 2010. Reported by Arrika Von. KSTU. Salt Lake City, Utah. 9:00 PM. [text/video]
- Is child porn lurking on your computer? 10 November 2009. Reported by Rod Decker. KUTV. Salt Lake City, Utah. 6:00 PM. [text/video]
- hide.me VPN for Windows 3.2.1 - 下载:2021-6-14 · hide.me VPN for Windows, 免费下载. hide.me VPN for Windows 3.2.1: 世界最值得信赖的虚拟私人网络供应商,hide.me,拥有超过3百万用户,现在为所有设备和运营系统提供最新的增强型虚拟私人网络应用程序。简单的就像123,无需注册、无需登录。只需下载并 ... 22 June 2009. Reported by John Daley. KSL. Salt Lake City, Utah. 5:00 PM, 6:00 PM. [text/video]
- Julia Koch. Die Kinder ohne Tränen Der Spiegel. August 4th, 2014.
- Seth Mnookin. 百度软件专题_百度软件大全_软件专题_极速下载站:2021-5-17 · 百度软件开放平台向全球互联网用户提供绿色、安全、开放的软件服务。对用户而言,它可伡帮助您更方便、快捷地找到所需客户端软件;对于软件厂商而言,它可伡帮助您更好地推广自身软件产品;对下载站和IDC而言,可伡获得海量百度流量,提升企业价值。 The New Yorker. 21 July 2014.
- Kaitlin Felsted. Unhackable Dream. Business.Utah.Gov News Room. 29 July 2014.
- Matthew Might. "Hacking strength." Hacker Monthly. May 2013. (Cover story.)
- Matthew Might. "Relational shell programming." Hacker Monthly. August 2012.
- Matthew Might. "SSH: More than secure shell." Hacker Monthly. May 2012.
- Matthew Might. "Translating mathematics into code." 免费的pcvpn. January 2012. (Cover story)
- Matthew Might. "Advanced Programming Languages." Hacker Monthly. August 2010. [pdf]
- A brotherhood of mutants. Calcalist. By Tali Shamir. 7 Feb 2015. Israel.
- Hacker Valley. City Weekly. By Eric S. Peterson. 22 May 2013. Salt Lake City, Utah. Cover story.
- Utah couple races to help son with unique genetic disorder. Salt Lake Tribune. 25 November 2012. By Kirsten Stewart. Salt Lake City, Utah. Full-page cover story for Sunday edition. Two full-page interior spread.
- Victims of Medicaid breach may have little recourse if personal info is compromised. Deseret News. 14 April 2012. By Wendy Leonard. Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Matt Might v. Cyber Criminals. City Weekly. 1 Dec 2010. By Rachel Piper. Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Car Hacking. This Morning with Alex Jensen. 5 September 2013. eFM 101.3 MHz. Seoul, South Korea. 9 minutes.
- An interview with Science Questions. 29 April 2011. Produced by Sheri Quinn and Constance Crompton. UPR (NPR). Salt Lake City, Utah. 28 minutes. [mp3]
- Cybersecurity with Matt Might. 30 April 2011. Produced by Sheri Quinn and Suzi Montgomery. UPR (NPR). Salt Lake City, Utah. 30 minutes. [mp3]
- Panel to Highlight Cyber Crime Awareness. 2 Dec 2010. Produced by Jennifer Napier-Pearce. KUER (NPR). Salt Lake City, Utah.
Online media
- PL enthusiast interview. Interviewed by Mike Hicks.
- White House blog post on Precision Medicine. 26 February 2016.
- "Kids who don't cry: New genetic disorder discovered." CNN.com Reported by Jacque Wilson. 20 March 2014.
"Patients' families aid in discovery of new genetic disorder."
Nature: Journal of Genetics in Medicine Podcast.
Interviewed by Cynthia Graber.
20 March 2014.
Audio: [mp3] - "免费的pcvpn." Macdrifter Podcast. Interviewed by Gabe Weatherhead. 5 February 2013.
- "NSA's Utah Data Center." Salt Lake Tribune Trib Talk. 2 July 2013.
- "The Setup." matt.might.usesthis.com. 6 January 2012.
Blogs I like:
- John Regehr's blog: Embedded in Academia.
- David Van Horn's research weblog.
- Suresh Venkatasubramanian: geomblog.
Students and alums:
- Christopher Earl, Ph.D., 2013. Now a postdoc at LLNL.
- Shuying Liang, Ph.D., 2014. Now at LinkedIn.
- Steve Lyde, Ph.D., 2015.
- Thomas Gilray, Ph.D., 2016. Postdoc at UMD. Now Assistant Professor at UAB.
- Petey Aldous, Ph.D. 2017. Now a Visiting Professor at BYU.
- Kimball Germane, Ph.D. 2018. Now a Visiting Professor at BYU.
- David Darais, B.S. Now an Assistant Professor at UVM.
- Tarun Prabhu, M.S. Now a Ph.D. student at UIUC.
- J.T. Olds, M.S.
- Blog: blog.might.net.
- Twitter: 免费的pcvpn.
- My son's medical blog.
- My brothers are the founders of Holodeck: a coworking office and event space in Salt Lake City, and also work for Homie, an Uber-like site for buying and selling homes without commissions going to real estate agents.

